Edit Pickup Details
Pickup Address
Enter house/appartment number for a more accurate pickup location.
Registration Details
This app is free of charge.
We will text an activation code.
Activation is only required once.
Activation Code
Please enter the code that has been sent to
Your cab has arrived!
Please make your way safely to your cab.
Your credit card details will be stored on the stripe platform
Cancel the cab?
Are you sure you want to cancel the cab?
Refine details to show only suitable cabs on the map.
Contacting nearby cabs...
Welcome to Taxi Seen
Tap a to view driver details or just use the button below to hail the nearest cab in seconds!
Just use the button below to hail the nearest cab in seconds!
No Cars Available
No cars available in your area, just use the call button below to call a nearby taxi company
Job Cancelled
Job cancelled by driver
Nearby Companies
Please Wait.
Thank You.
Please Wait.
Please Wait.
There are no cabs in the area.